Fire up the Cab!
Paul got us some great yeast for our cab: D254 and FX10. We were splitting a half ton evenly, and we ended up with 6 32-gallon trash cans full of must. We decided that Dave & I would inoculate 2 cans with D254 and one with FX10, and then Paul would inoculate 2 cans with FX10 and one with D254. I’m sure we’ll remember later and will be able to tell the difference, right?! The stats on the must were as follows: temp, 70 degrees F; brix, average of 25; TA, 8.5-9 g/L; pH, about 3.5 average.
We noticed that there was some mold on top of the cap that was already forming before adding our yeast, and some spontaneous fermentation. It had a funny smell of bananas … I hope we didn’t mess it up already!